Monday, November 7, 2011

FTP Test - the official start of training

This morning Craig conducted an FTP (Functional Threshold Power) test at the new computrainer place that he and Tony Breitbach have set up.  It's much nicer - more room and on the ground floor - than where we trained last year. 

The FTP test that Craig runs is a 5 minute all-out on the trainer (with a 1 degree incline), followed by ten minutes of easy spin and then a 20 minute all-out.  The 5 minute piece helps us to figure out how much effort we can sustain on the 20 minute leg. The objective is to achieve maximum wattage but without large fluctuations in the power. Especially important (I think) not to fade and finish with much lower power than what you started with.

On the five minute portion I averaged about 265.  My recollection was that when I was tested last December I had a 20 minute score of about 230. (I'll find out soon enough from Craig.)  I was hoping I would be a little higher this year - after a year of training, but of course I've been in sort of non-training mode for awhile.

For the twenty minute test I averaged 232.  I was at 235 for the first ten minutes, but the cum average dropped to 230 after 15 minutes. However I finished strong enough to bring the average back up to 232.  So perhaps a slight improvement over last year.  I was pretty well spent at the end of the 20 minutes so I don't think I could have done much better. I haven't been on the bike pushing hard since Vermont Nationals in August.  Just spinning class.

Hopefully after a couple of months of training the number will be higher.

I took the test with Linc, Mark Kolar, Amy, Scott N., and George. Before the workout starts Craig collects birthdate and weight info for everyone. (more weight makes more power - so when a guy like Scott who only 140 or so puts out 300 watts, that is a whole lot more impressive (powerful) than if I were to do it with my 188 pounds.  His watts to weight ratio was over 2. Mine was 1.23  

Sometimes I confess that I take some comfort in observing that most everyone is twenty years younger. But I know that's an excuse so I try to fight the impulse. 

Oh and to make this test even more fun, I had to get up at 4:30 am so I could be at the center at 5 am.  That's too early.  But at least once I start training there I can keep my bike there and won't have to load that each time. Once I do that I'll be able to sleep until 4:45. 

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