Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday May 21 to Sunday May 27


Day Off
Workout Description:
Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 1:15:00
Distance (A): 25 miles
Calories: 1062 caloriesWorkout Description:
Group Ride
Zones 3-4
Activity Comments:

5/23/2012 Len Joy:
Wore garmin, but forgot to turn it on.
Planned Time: 0:20:00Workout Description:
Duration: 20 minutes
Intensity: Z1 - Z2
Cadence: 90 - 95
Specificity: After bike - focus on form
Include: Directly after the bike, focus on your cadence and form. Stay hydrated, light stretch after.
Activity Comments:

5/23/2012 Len Joy:
Skipped run; trying to let knee recover more; saving it for next long run;
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:00:00
Calories: 425 caloriesWorkout Description:
Activity Comments:

5/23/2012 Len Joy:
usual workout program; getting better at balancing
Planned Time: 1:00:00Workout Description:
Good warm up and cool down. Include some short faster efforts in warm up to get your legs moving and HR up.
Main Set:
After a good warm up, include 8-10 by :15-:30 sec very fast cadence, high effort sprints. Get the cadence up over 90 rpms. Lean into it and be aggressive. Use your arms to move your legs. Run easy 2-3 times the distance or length of time between. Go more by feel then anything else. HR will not react fast enough on the hard efforts. To make it more exciting, you may pick something to run towards or cross an imaginary finish line. Have fun and get that speed up!
Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 1:10:00
Distance (A): 2650 yards
Calories: 817 caloriesWorkout Description:
WU: 200 swim/kick/pull,
4-6 x 75 @ RI 20 build to All-Out within each 75;
Main Set:
1 x 500 at 20 sec RI
1 x 400 at 20 sec RI
1 x 300 at 20 sec RI
1 x 200 at 20 sec RI
2 x 300 Negative Split at 30 sec RI
Cool Down:
6 x 75 as 50 Free / 25 back at 20 sec RI
Activity Comments:

5/23/2012 Len Joy:
warmup 200 yds;
4 x75 - 300 yds;
500: 10:04 1:59 pace (seems too fast, but too slow for me to have missed two laps in count?)

400 - 8:13 2:03
300 - 6:20 2:06
200 - 4:15 2:07
300 - (3:15 & 3:12 for total of 6:27) 2:09
300 - 6:26 2:09
cooldown : 2 x 75 (with 25 of backstroke!) 150 yds;

total yards: 2650

Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:10:00
Distance (A): 2700 yards
Calories: 817 caloriesWorkout Description:
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
200 warmup, 12 x 50; then 600 moderate, 100 pull, 400 faster, 100 pull, 200 faster, 100 pull, 2 x 300; cooldown;
Planned Time: 1:15:00Workout Description:
Ride later in the day. Work more on technique. Staying in Zones 2-3. Include a few repeats on Tower Rd, staying aerobic.
Planned Time: 0:45:00Actual Time: 0:25:00
Calories: 292 caloriesWorkout Description:
OWS if possible.
Good warm up and cool down. Swim 30-40 minutes continuous. Work on sighting every 4th 25. If indoors look for something on the wall or at the end of the lane to look at each time you go to sight. Return to a neutral head position after sighting as quickly as possible.
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
It was a little rough and I could not get my goggles to not leak. I have the aqua-sphere which I bought in Galveston- advertised as the goggles for Ironman. They have a nice big screen but I have chronic problems with them leaking around right eye. I've finally given up and have bought another set of Speedo goggles, which have always worked for me. They fog up more because of the smaller window space.
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 0:52:05
Distance (A): 5.2 miles
Calories: 846 caloriesWorkout Description:
Warm up: 10-15:00 easy running, include several short :15-:20 second high cadence efforts to wake the legs up. Settle into Zone 2 effort. Check HR and listen to your breathing to help control effort. Check cadence and form several times throughout the run. Enjoy.
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
Ran from Gillson to Northwestern and back. Easy run;

Planned Time: 3:30:00Actual Time: 1:59:21
Distance (A): 30.93 miles
Calories: 3325 caloriesWorkout Description:
Warm Up: 30 min easy rding,
10 x 1 min Hard/1 min easy,
10 min at Z1;
Main Set:
3 x 40:00 Tempo Effort, 5:00 recovery after each;
CD: 5-15 min at Z1
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
Had to shorten ride because of lightening and torrential downpour;
Planned Time: 0:40:00Actual Time: 0:52:05
Distance (A): 5.67 miles
Calories: 846 caloriesWorkout Description:
Duration: 40 minutes
Intensity: Z2
Cadence: 90 - 95
Specificity: After bike - focus on form
Include: Directly after the bike, focus on your cadence and form. Stay hydrated, light stretch after.
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
I was actually shivering after I got off bike, but that was because I had been soaked. I knew that I had consumed plenty of calories and the shivering stopped after about a half mile. Easy run with the cool weather.

Planned Time: 5:00:00Workout Description:
Bike: 3 hrs Zone 2, up to 3 on climbs. Eat and drink as if it was race day. Aerobars as much as possible, high cadence effort.
Transition: to the run within 5 minutes of the ride.
Run: Take the first mile to settle down and find a rhythm. Run the next 10 miles at Marathon race effort.
Cool down the remainder of the run in Zone 1. Eat and drink throughout, especially during higher intensities. This is a run focused workout. Best to do the run portion on a measured course or with GPS.
Bike : Bike segment of Brick
Actual Time: 3:10:06
Distance (A): 51.64 miles
Calories: 5314 caloriesWorkout Description:
Bike segment of brick
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
Rode out to Old Elm and 41 and then up on the bike path almost to Great Lakes; strong wind on return; (didn't notice it on the way out; ) Used aerobars most of the way. Had plenty of EFS but not much of a test for it as the bike segment was very cool and comfortable.

My nutrition for this workout - carbo pro - recoverite - banana strawberry milke shake - 500 cals; EFS double strength - one bottle - 350 cals; 4 cliff shots - 120 cals; total cals= 970; more than enough for 3 hour ride;
Run : Run Segment of Brick
Actual Time: 1:39:58
Distance (A): 10 miles
Calories: 1481 caloriesWorkout Description:
Run segment of brick;
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
Ran right off of bike; ran the 10 miles at 10 minute pace again, but this time I didn't stop the watch for my aid breaks - I show them as laps; I was running about 9:30 miles (see laps).

It was hot and humid; I had aid station (my garage) every 1.5 miles; after 3 miles - I stopped longer to take more endurolyte and MAPP. I drank one bottle of gatorade - several squeezes of caffeeine gel, and several ounces of EFS leftover from bike ride; also two bottles of water;

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