Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday May 21 to Sunday May 27


Day Off
Workout Description:
Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 1:15:00
Distance (A): 25 miles
Calories: 1062 caloriesWorkout Description:
Group Ride
Zones 3-4
Activity Comments:

5/23/2012 Len Joy:
Wore garmin, but forgot to turn it on.
Planned Time: 0:20:00Workout Description:
Duration: 20 minutes
Intensity: Z1 - Z2
Cadence: 90 - 95
Specificity: After bike - focus on form
Include: Directly after the bike, focus on your cadence and form. Stay hydrated, light stretch after.
Activity Comments:

5/23/2012 Len Joy:
Skipped run; trying to let knee recover more; saving it for next long run;
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:00:00
Calories: 425 caloriesWorkout Description:
Activity Comments:

5/23/2012 Len Joy:
usual workout program; getting better at balancing
Planned Time: 1:00:00Workout Description:
Good warm up and cool down. Include some short faster efforts in warm up to get your legs moving and HR up.
Main Set:
After a good warm up, include 8-10 by :15-:30 sec very fast cadence, high effort sprints. Get the cadence up over 90 rpms. Lean into it and be aggressive. Use your arms to move your legs. Run easy 2-3 times the distance or length of time between. Go more by feel then anything else. HR will not react fast enough on the hard efforts. To make it more exciting, you may pick something to run towards or cross an imaginary finish line. Have fun and get that speed up!
Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 1:10:00
Distance (A): 2650 yards
Calories: 817 caloriesWorkout Description:
WU: 200 swim/kick/pull,
4-6 x 75 @ RI 20 build to All-Out within each 75;
Main Set:
1 x 500 at 20 sec RI
1 x 400 at 20 sec RI
1 x 300 at 20 sec RI
1 x 200 at 20 sec RI
2 x 300 Negative Split at 30 sec RI
Cool Down:
6 x 75 as 50 Free / 25 back at 20 sec RI
Activity Comments:

5/23/2012 Len Joy:
warmup 200 yds;
4 x75 - 300 yds;
500: 10:04 1:59 pace (seems too fast, but too slow for me to have missed two laps in count?)

400 - 8:13 2:03
300 - 6:20 2:06
200 - 4:15 2:07
300 - (3:15 & 3:12 for total of 6:27) 2:09
300 - 6:26 2:09
cooldown : 2 x 75 (with 25 of backstroke!) 150 yds;

total yards: 2650

Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:10:00
Distance (A): 2700 yards
Calories: 817 caloriesWorkout Description:
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
200 warmup, 12 x 50; then 600 moderate, 100 pull, 400 faster, 100 pull, 200 faster, 100 pull, 2 x 300; cooldown;
Planned Time: 1:15:00Workout Description:
Ride later in the day. Work more on technique. Staying in Zones 2-3. Include a few repeats on Tower Rd, staying aerobic.
Planned Time: 0:45:00Actual Time: 0:25:00
Calories: 292 caloriesWorkout Description:
OWS if possible.
Good warm up and cool down. Swim 30-40 minutes continuous. Work on sighting every 4th 25. If indoors look for something on the wall or at the end of the lane to look at each time you go to sight. Return to a neutral head position after sighting as quickly as possible.
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
It was a little rough and I could not get my goggles to not leak. I have the aqua-sphere which I bought in Galveston- advertised as the goggles for Ironman. They have a nice big screen but I have chronic problems with them leaking around right eye. I've finally given up and have bought another set of Speedo goggles, which have always worked for me. They fog up more because of the smaller window space.
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 0:52:05
Distance (A): 5.2 miles
Calories: 846 caloriesWorkout Description:
Warm up: 10-15:00 easy running, include several short :15-:20 second high cadence efforts to wake the legs up. Settle into Zone 2 effort. Check HR and listen to your breathing to help control effort. Check cadence and form several times throughout the run. Enjoy.
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
Ran from Gillson to Northwestern and back. Easy run;

Planned Time: 3:30:00Actual Time: 1:59:21
Distance (A): 30.93 miles
Calories: 3325 caloriesWorkout Description:
Warm Up: 30 min easy rding,
10 x 1 min Hard/1 min easy,
10 min at Z1;
Main Set:
3 x 40:00 Tempo Effort, 5:00 recovery after each;
CD: 5-15 min at Z1
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
Had to shorten ride because of lightening and torrential downpour;
Planned Time: 0:40:00Actual Time: 0:52:05
Distance (A): 5.67 miles
Calories: 846 caloriesWorkout Description:
Duration: 40 minutes
Intensity: Z2
Cadence: 90 - 95
Specificity: After bike - focus on form
Include: Directly after the bike, focus on your cadence and form. Stay hydrated, light stretch after.
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
I was actually shivering after I got off bike, but that was because I had been soaked. I knew that I had consumed plenty of calories and the shivering stopped after about a half mile. Easy run with the cool weather.

Planned Time: 5:00:00Workout Description:
Bike: 3 hrs Zone 2, up to 3 on climbs. Eat and drink as if it was race day. Aerobars as much as possible, high cadence effort.
Transition: to the run within 5 minutes of the ride.
Run: Take the first mile to settle down and find a rhythm. Run the next 10 miles at Marathon race effort.
Cool down the remainder of the run in Zone 1. Eat and drink throughout, especially during higher intensities. This is a run focused workout. Best to do the run portion on a measured course or with GPS.
Bike : Bike segment of Brick
Actual Time: 3:10:06
Distance (A): 51.64 miles
Calories: 5314 caloriesWorkout Description:
Bike segment of brick
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
Rode out to Old Elm and 41 and then up on the bike path almost to Great Lakes; strong wind on return; (didn't notice it on the way out; ) Used aerobars most of the way. Had plenty of EFS but not much of a test for it as the bike segment was very cool and comfortable.

My nutrition for this workout - carbo pro - recoverite - banana strawberry milke shake - 500 cals; EFS double strength - one bottle - 350 cals; 4 cliff shots - 120 cals; total cals= 970; more than enough for 3 hour ride;
Run : Run Segment of Brick
Actual Time: 1:39:58
Distance (A): 10 miles
Calories: 1481 caloriesWorkout Description:
Run segment of brick;
Activity Comments:

5/27/2012 Len Joy:
Ran right off of bike; ran the 10 miles at 10 minute pace again, but this time I didn't stop the watch for my aid breaks - I show them as laps; I was running about 9:30 miles (see laps).

It was hot and humid; I had aid station (my garage) every 1.5 miles; after 3 miles - I stopped longer to take more endurolyte and MAPP. I drank one bottle of gatorade - several squeezes of caffeeine gel, and several ounces of EFS leftover from bike ride; also two bottles of water;

Monday May 14 to Sunday May 20


Day Off
Workout Description:
Bike : Spin
Actual Time: 0:55:00
Calories: 779 caloriesWorkout Description:
Strength : Weights
Actual Time: 0:20:00
Calories: 142 caloriesWorkout Description:
Did strengthening exercises for knee and abs;
Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 1:15:09
Distance (A): 22.13 miles
Calories: 2026 caloriesWorkout Description:
Group Ride
Zones 3-4
Activity Comments:

5/17/2012 Len Joy:
avg 19 mph on first leg - then 16 mph on Green Bay Road return; top speed about 28; I l can keep up on straights, but I lose ground on the curves and turns;
Planned Time: 0:20:00Actual Time: 0:20:02
Distance (A): 2.18 miles
Calories: 321 caloriesWorkout Description:
Duration: 20 minutes
Intensity: Z1 - Z2
Cadence: 90 - 95
Specificity: After bike - focus on form
Include: Directly after the bike, focus on your cadence and form. Stay hydrated, light stretch after.
Activity Comments:

5/17/2012 Len Joy:
Ran in neighborhood; easy run;
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:00:00
Calories: 425 caloriesWorkout Description:
Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 0:55:00
Distance (A): 2200 yards
Calories: 642 caloriesWorkout Description:
OWS if possible working on sighting or indoors as follows:
WU: 200 swim/kick/pull;
MS: 2 x 1000 descend 200s,1-5
CD: 2-400 pull buoy w/paddles
Activity Comments:

5/17/2012 Len Joy:
Warmup 200 yards; did 2 1000 yard efforts; even though I tried to descend I noticed that my split times didn't descend;
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 0:53:52
Distance (A): 5.64 miles
Calories: 840 caloriesWorkout Description:
Good warm up and cool down. Include some short faster efforts in warm up to get your legs moving and HR up.
Main Set:
After a good warm up, include 8-10 by :15-:30 sec very fast cadence, high effort sprints. Get the cadence up over 90 rpms. Lean into it and be aggressive. Use your arms to move your legs. Run easy 2-3 times the distance or length of time between. Go more by feel then anything else. HR will not react fast enough on the hard efforts. To make it more exciting, you may pick something to run towards or cross an imaginary finish line. Have fun and get that speed up!
Activity Comments:

5/17/2012 Len Joy:
I guess I didn' t do as many of the high speed efforts as I should have. Pumping the arms did help;

Other : Chiro & Massage
Actual Time: 1:15:00
Calories: 625 caloriesWorkout Description:
Massage with Rachel; chiro w/Tony;
Activity Comments:

5/17/2012 Len Joy:
Tony stretch tendon / ligament in left knee; hopefully that will help; he said it was very tight;
Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 1:15:00
Distance (A): 3200 yards
Calories: 875 caloriesWorkout Description:
Activity Comments:

5/17/2012 Len Joy:
Did my own workout: 200 yards warmup; 12 x 50 @ 1:00; 300 pull; 6 x 100 @ 2:00; (had to take a 15 sec RI after 3rd 100; ) 300 pull; 3 x 200, RI 15; 300 pull; 6 x 50 @ 1:00

Total yards: 3200
Planned Time: 1:15:00Workout Description:
Ride later in the day. Work more on technique. Staying in Zones 2-3. Include a few repeats on Tower Rd, staying aerobic.
Bike : Spin class
Actual Time: 0:55:00
Calories: 779 caloriesWorkout Description:
Spin class w/Heather
Activity Comments:

5/18/2012 Len Joy:
Good intense effort;
Planned Time: 1:10:00Workout Description:
Group Run - Gillson Park 6 am
Tempo/Threshold Efforts. Stay within yourself.
Bike :
Planned Time: 5:30:00Actual Time: 5:12:49
Distance (A): 79.66 miles
Calories: 7687 caloriesWorkout Description:
5+ Hrs of Riding
Warm Up:
20-30 min pedaling at 90 rpm
Main Set:
3.5 Hrs at Zone 2 - Ironman effort.
2 x 30:00 Steady State efforts RI 10 min b/n,
(Hold upper Zone3/low Zone 4)
Practice your nutrition, hydration and race strategy for the entire day. Eat and drink especially at higher intensities.
Cool Down:
10-30 min easy effort.
Activity Comments:

5/19/2012 Len Joy:
rode with Paul, Fernando and Stephanie and Pam, but she turned around early. I stayed in aero for much of the ride, which is a breakthrouhg for me. Tried to keep my legs fresh. I brought along a lot of high density perpeteum, but only drank about 1/3 of it. I am going to rethink that component of my nutrition plan. If it is a hot day, my problem isn't lack of calories, it's inadequate hydration because I am such a heavy sweater.

Here was nutriton consumed during ride:

6 cliff shots 180 calories
1/2 cliff bar 120 calories
perpeteum with recoverite - 300 cals (guess)

9 endurolyte capsules (5 before - 4 at half way point);

9 MAP (5 before - 4 at half way point);

3 Race day capsules (some vitamin thing from Hammer);

water: 60 oz; (3 bottles); that was all the water I brought. I ended the ride with a full bottle of spare perpeteum, but had no interest in drinking it.

weight loss: 4 pounds;

I didn't feel weak on the ride; but it probably would have affected me on the run, so I need to get more calories consumed, I think. I might try to use the goo or gel; or more cliff shots. and finish the bar.

A good ride. didn't fall behind (too far). Used aero bars; did better on hydration and calories; still need to tweak it some.
Planned Time: 0:30:00Actual Time: 0:30:00
Calories: 350 caloriesWorkout Description:
Good warm up and cool down. Swim 20-30 minutes continuous. Work on sighting every 4th 25. If indoors look for something on the wall or at the end of the lane to look at each time you go to sight. Return to a neutral head position after sighting as quickly as possible.
Activity Comments:

5/19/2012 Len Joy:
Water was cold but bearable.
Workout Description:
Optional short brick run after the bike.
Planned Time: 3:00:00Actual Time: 3:00:10
Distance (A): 17.99 miles
Calories: 2679 caloriesWorkout Description:
Warm up: at 10 min at Z1
Main Set:
2 hrs 45 min Long Run Pace
Count foot strikes several times throughout the run. 22-23 strikes in :15 seconds
Cool Down:
5 min at Z1
Activity Comments:

5/20/2012 Len Joy:
My goal was to run 18 miles in 3 hours, and I came close. I set up to run this like a race. I ran a 2.5 mile loop and then a 3.5 mile loop (each time circling back to my house where I had set up my aid station). After that initial hour, I ran approx 1.5 miles - 15 minute loops in the neighborhood and hydrated after each loop. I stopped my watch for the aid breaks, but I only took about 20 seconds for each.

I forgot to record lap splits, but I was right on 6 miles in the first hour and just over 12 miles at hour 2. I faded a little bit in the last loop of 1.5 miles.

I ran at 7:30 to 10:30 am - approx. It was warm throughout the run and sunny. My knee didn't feel great, but it wasn't a problem. Nor was my foot - I tried to thin underarmour socks and my foot pad and I didn't have the acute pain I had last time I ran the distance.

Nutrition: had a carbo pro (2 scoops) recoverite (i scoop) plus 3 oz. of milk, 4 oz of ice, plus 6 strawberries before I ran. (500 cals)

During run I drank one bottle of gatorade and consumed a couple servings of espresso Gel from Hammer (200 cals)

I drank about 50 oz of water; total calories consumed during run: per hour: 67; I think that's adequate especially given the shake consumed just before run.

Spin class w/Heather


Monday May 7 to Sunday May 13


Day Off
Workout Description:
Strength : Rowing and Exercise Class
Actual Time: 1:20:00
Calories: 567 caloriesWorkout Description:
Rowing and Exercise class
Activity Comments:

5/12/2012 Len Joy:
Did about 50 minutes of rowing and stairmaster and then 30 minutes of Heather's Abs and Back class;
Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 1:13:32
Distance (A): 22.21 miles
Calories: 2043 caloriesWorkout Description:
Group Ride
Zones 3-4
Activity Comments:

5/12/2012 Len Joy:
Tried to keep up; Not too successful; wait till nex time;
Planned Time: 0:20:00Actual Time: 0:18:05
Distance (A): 1.79 miles
Calories: 267 caloriesWorkout Description:
Duration: 20 minutes
Intensity: Z1 - Z2
Cadence: 90 - 95
Specificity: After bike - focus on form
Include: Directly after the bike, focus on your cadence and form. Stay hydrated, light stretch after.
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:00:00
Calories: 425 caloriesWorkout Description:
Activity Comments:

5/12/2012 Len Joy:
The usual;

Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 1:30:00
Distance (A): 3900 yards
Calories: 1050 caloriesWorkout Description:
WU: 200 swim/kick/pull,
Drill: 8 x 50 - your favorite drills with 15 sec RI
Swim: 12 x 50 free FAST on 1:00 - calculate average time
1-300 easy
Main Set:
6 x 100 @ RI 15 Hold TPace
1 x 100 @ RI 10 easy swim
3 x 200 @ RI 15 Hold TPace
1 x 100 @ RI 10 easy swim
2 x 300 @ RI 15 Hold TPace
1 x 100 @ RI 10 easy swim
1 x 600 Hold TPace
Swim: 4 x 25 choice on 1:00 at 100%
Cool Down: 200-400 pull w/paddles & buoy
Activity Comments:

Len Joy:
Did the 12 50s first one was about 44 sec, the last one about 55 secs; avg about 51-52;
total yards warmup: 1200

6 100s: 1:56, 1:56, 1:59, 2:01,1:59, 2:06
3 200s: 4:16, 4:16, 4:21
2 300s: 6:46, 6:51,
1 600: 13:45
total yards main set: 2700
total yards
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 0:50:53
Distance (A): 5.28 miles
Calories: 785 caloriesWorkout Description:
Good warm up and cool down. Include some short faster efforts in warm up to get your legs moving and HR up.
Main Set:
After a good warm up, include 8-10 by :15-:30 sec very fast cadence, high effort sprints. Get the cadence up over 90 rpms. Lean into it and be aggressive. Use your arms to move your legs. Run easy 2-3 times the distance or length of time between. Go more by feel then anything else. HR will not react fast enough on the hard efforts. To make it more exciting, you may pick something to run towards or cross an imaginary finish line. Have fun and get that speed up!
Activity Comments:

5/12/2012 Len Joy:
Followed the plan

5/12/2012 Len Joy:
7:14 was my best "sprint" time;

Planned Time: 1:15:00Workout Description:
Activity Comments:

5/12/2012 Len Joy:
Skipped - took the day off for Suzanne issues and to rest my knee;
Planned Time: 1:15:00Workout Description:
Ride later in the day. Work more on technique. Staying in Zones 2-3. Include a few repeats on Tower Rd, staying aerobic.
Bike : Bike - Spin Class
Actual Time: 0:45:00
Distance (A): 15 miles
Calories: 638 caloriesWorkout Description:
Spin Class - 7 am
Activity Comments:

5/12/2012 Len Joy:
Didn't want to tax my knee so I skipped Group run and did a spin / swim workout.
Swim : Swim - Laps
Actual Time: 0:24:00
Distance (A): 1000 yards
Calories: 280 caloriesWorkout Description:
Swim - McGaw Y
Activity Comments:

5/12/2012 Len Joy:
Did continuous swimming, some pulling during warmup;
Planned Time: 1:10:00Workout Description:
Group Run - Gillson Park 6 am
Tempo/Threshold Efforts. Stay within yourself.
Brick : Brick Metric Ironman
Planned Time: 7:00:00Workout Description:
This is a combination workout, treat it like race-day. The performance will prepare you for what your body may feel like and what it's needs are on race day. Please plan in leading up to and executing as if it was a race.

Swim: 1.5 miles or 45-minutes (open water swim if possible), if indoors - continuos. Aerobic effort, working on sighting and swimming a straight course.

Bike: 70 miles or 4-hours. Zone 2 mainly, up to 3 on climbs. Take in your alotted calories and fluids per hr.

Run: 15 miles or 2-hours. Zone 2 throughout, consume 75-125 calories per hour and take in plenty of fluids.
Actual Time: 0:49:20
Distance (A): 2400 yards
Calories: 576 caloriesWorkout Description:
Metric - Tri - Swim Leg
Swam 96 lengths in 49 minutes 20 seconds. I swam right next to the digital clock and used that to keep on 2:00 pace. Some slippage toward the end, but more due to getting tired of pushing off the wall (I don't do flip turns). But it was a good steady pace. I worked on keeping my head down and tried to hold my arm out until my head had returned to water after breathing before I did catch and pull or whatever you call it. That part is still a little tough for me to do consistently, but I'm getting better.
BikeActual Time: 3:43:06
Distance (A): 59.83 miles
Calories: 6139 caloriesWorkout Description:
Run : Run Segment - Metric Tri
Actual Time: 2:33:42
Distance (A): 15 miles
Calories: 2254 calorie

ONe thing I accomplished with this workout is that I know now how I want my body to feel when I get off the bike. Now I have to get to that feeling after 112 miles instead of 60. I also learned the pace that I needed to maintain to run 26 miles. On this run I did my usual 4.4. mile circuit for the first two laps, but since that is too long between aid stations, after the second lap I started shorter loops around the neighborhood, circling back to my house every 2 miles. I was able to more or less maintain a steady pace of about 10:15 throughout the run.
Bike segment - Metric Tri
I know I didn't get the hill workout that I need, but this was a good workout for me. It was a cool day and a flat course so the only variable to really test was my body's endurance. I had prepped well for nutrition, but this wasn't much of a test in that regard.

I tried to ride to "feeling". I had my garmin, but I don't have a bike computer that works with themy workout tires (the magnet is on the race wheels) but that helps as I know how fast I'm going (or not going.) I rode up Sheridan to great Lakes Naval base. Used the Green Bay path from Fort Sheridan. It's a nice ride, but not easy to make top speeds, but I kept the ride in mostly zone 2; I wanted to have good legs for the run.
For my pre-race nutrition I had a shake of one scoop of recoverite, two scoops of carbo-pro, a half banana, 6 oz milk, 6 0z ice. 700 calories

MAP: 4 capsules
Endurolyte: 4 capsules (even though probably didn't need them with cool temps.)
Race Day Caps from Hammer: 3

After swim:

Cliff bar 240 calories
Gatorade - 4 oz. 25 calories


Perpeteum:I carried on the bike about 48 oz of Perpeteum; 22 oz in front in my dual bottle; the other reservoir was water; 24 oz in bottle on back.

I used about 18 oz of Perpeteum. I sipped it regularly but not large sips. It doesn't take good, sort of chalky, but it doesn't have any aftertaste. I mix two scoops per 24 oz. so not a super thick mixture - 540 calories per bottle; so I probably consumed about 500 cals on ride of Perpeteum;

Cliff shots: 5 shots = 165 cals.

Water: probably 10 oz.

Run: I had half a cliff bar before run; 240 calories

MAP: 3 capsules
Gatorade: 2 bottles 300 calories
GU or GEL - 2 packets; 180 calories
total calories consumed on run: 720;

total calories consumed: 2,350 calories

After race I had a shake of 3 scoops of recoverite, half banana, 6 oz milk, 6 oz ice; total calories: 600

Planned Time: 1:30:00Workout Description:
Warm up: at 10 min at Z1
Main Set:
75 min Long Run Pace
Cool Down:
5 min at Z1
Activity Comments:

Knee is sore so I'm taking it easy today. Iced it and will do a light Monday workout - spin and swim instead of using that day as my day off. I don't wear the knee out before CDA. I think I will also do some knee exercises - weights - to strenghten muscles. Mostly hamstrings


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Monday April 30 to May 6

Monday:  Off


Planned Time: 1:15:00Workout Description:
Planned Time: 0:20:00Workout Description:
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:00:00
Calories: 425 caloriesWorkout Description:
Post Activity Comments:
Bodyshaping with Heather - stretching, lifting;
Planned Time: 1:10:00Actual Time: 1:00:00
Distance (A): 6.2 miles
Calories: 880 caloriesWorkout Description:
Warm up: 10-15 min easy running,
3-4 faster efforts of :20-:30 w/equal recovery time
Main Set:
3 x 10:00 HARDER efforts 80-90 %
(3 min jog recovery)
Listen to your body. Harder is relative to how your feeling on this day. If feeling sore or tired, okay to cut back on intensity and time of the overall run.
Cool Down: 5-10 min easy
Post Activity Comments:
Ran after swim;
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 0:50:00
Distance (A): 2000 yards
Calories: 583 caloriesWorkout Description:
WU: 200 swim/kick/pull;
Main Set:
45-minutes continuous swimming effort.
Work on sighting every 4th 25.
Try and get your times by 500 and record.
CD: easy pull w/paddles & buoy
Post Activity Comments:
500s: 10:32, 11:15, 11:30, 11:32 - swam 2000 yards continuous;
Planned Time: 1:15:00Workout Description:
60-90 minutes
Outdoors if weather permits. Ride in Zones 1-2 on a flat to rolling course. How you distribute the time by zone depends on how you feel. But keep it on the easy side. Don't exceed Zone 2 for more than a few seconds at a time as when accelerating from a stop light or going up a short hill. Comfortably high rpm.
If indoors, keep it to the shorter side and change gearing frequently to simulate riding outdoors.
Didn't ride;
Actual Time: 0:45:00
Calories: 638 caloriesWorkout Description:
Spin Class
Post Activity Comments:
Spin class with Heather before swim;
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 0:40:00
Calories: 467 caloriesWorkout Description:
WU: 200 swim/kick/pull
MS: 20-40 minute continuous swim effort. Easy smooth strokes. Work on some sighting and include the pull buoy towards the end.
Post Activity Comments:
Swam 500 yards (20 minutes); worked on trying to rotate face back into water after breath before the return pull with opposite hand;
Planned Time: 0:45:00Workout Description:
Best done on a hilly course such as the Ravines, or random setting on treadmill.

Aerobic Z1-2. 10-15:00 easy running, include several short :15-:20 second high cadence efforts to wake the legs up. Settle into Zone 2 effort. Check HR and listen to your breathing to help control effort. Check cadence and form several times throughout the run. Enjoy.
Saturday:  Wisconsin Half-Marathon
Planned Time: 2:45:00Actual Time: 3:02:58
Distance (A): 64.92 miles
Calories: 3599 caloriesWorkout Description:
Warm up: at 10 min at Z1
Main Set:
2 hrs 30 min Long Run Pace
Include 4-6 x :60-90 second surges (up to 85-90%) randomly throughout the long run pace effort.
Cool Down:
5 min at Z1
Post Activity Comments:
Hah. I guess I forgot to turn off the Garmin so this includes my drive home (on which I made good time.) Actual race time was 1:50:54
Sunday:  OFF  - legs are sore today;  especially left leg and knee;  not sure why.

Duration: 20 minutes
Intensity: Z1 - Z2
Cadence: 90 - 95
Specificity: After bike - focus on form
Include: Directly after the bike, focus on your cadence and form. Stay hydrated, light stretch after.

Group Ride
Zones 3-4

Monday April 23 to Sunday April 29


Bike :
Planned Time: 1:15:00Workout Description:
Run :
Planned Time: 0:15:00Workout Description:
Duration: 15 minutes
Intensity: Z1 - Z3
Cadence: 90 - 95
Specificity: Tempo Efforts
Directly after the bike, find a rhythm and loosen upper body. Move directly into 1 x 6:00 Tempo effort. Don't go out so fast that you have to slow down at any point. Should be a good effort! Stay hydrated, light stretch after.
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:00:00
Distance (A): 2500 yards
Calories: 700 caloriesWorkout Description:
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:00:00
Calories: 425 caloriesWorkout Description:
Post Activity Comments:
tossed heavy balls around for main set;

Post Activity Comments:
warmup 200; 10 x 50 descending 1-4, 5-8, 9-10 - 500 yards; 4 x 200; 4 x100; 8 x 50; 8 x25 total yards for ms: 1800 total yards: 2500
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 0:52:36
Distance (A): 3.97 miles
Calories: 632 caloriesWorkout Description:
Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 0:45:00
Calories: 638 caloriesWorkout Description:
Easy spin. Outdoors preferred.
Post Activity Comments:
Rode outside in slight drizzle at 7 am. Decided to go right from bike to run.
Thursday:  off
Friday:  Kentucky Training Camp 
Workout Description:
Planned Time: 0:45:00Actual Time: 0:45:00
Distance (A): 4.9 miles
Calories: 660 caloriesWorkout Description:
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:00:00
Distance (A): 16 miles
Calories: 850 caloriesWorkout Description:
Planned Time: 0:30:00Workout Description:
Shake out swim. Optional
Planned Time: 0:30:00Actual Time: 0:30:00
Calories: 350 caloriesWorkout Description:
Planned Time: 6:00:00Actual Time: 7:39:48
Distance (A): 105.39 miles
Calories: 11419 calories
Workout Description:
Planned Time: 0:30:00Actual Time: 0:30:00
Calories: 440 caloriesWorkout Description:
Duration: 30 minutes
Intensity: Z1 - Z2
Cadence: 90 - 95
Specificity: After bike - focus on form
Include: Directly after the bike, focus on your cadence and form. Stay hydrated, light stretch after.
Post Activity Comments:
After being carried off my bike I did manage to get my shoes on w/o more cramping and went out walked for 30 minutes.
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:13:40
Distance (A): 15.05 miles
Calories: 1674 caloriesWorkout Description:
Planned Time: 2:30:00Actual Time: 2:05:32
Distance (A): 8.83 miles
Calories: 1192 caloriesWorkout Description:
Planned Time: 0:30:00Workout Description:
OWS - Technique

Warm up: at 10 min at Z1
Main Set:
75 min Long Run Pace
60 min Marathon Pace
Settle in and get comfortable. Hold as close to Marathon pace as possible. Use measured course or Garmin. Record time, distance and AHR.
Cool Down: 5 min at Z1
Post Activity Comments:
Ran / walked about 10 miles total. Not a good effort, the hills depleted my already depleted muscles and I walked many of them. Hot, humid, hilly, sunny. Deadly combination. I didn't try to kill myself on this workout as I thought that would cast a pall over an otherwise succesful training camp.

Aerobic, out and back. Quick transition to the run. Begin your nutrition plan.
Post Activity Comments:
This file includes the first part of my run after the ride - I realized that I could set up a separate workout file so I stopped it. I rode 60 minutes - about 15 miles - just an easy ride. Trying to conserve energy for run.
Spring Camp - 2 x loops
1st loop Zone 2 mainly up to 3 on climbs
2nd loop Zone 3 mainly up to 4 on climbs
Post Activity Comments:
I felt good on the first loop even after those fucking hills on 294, but just as I got the turnaround for 2nd loop, got my first leg cramp. It was a psychologically daunting challenge, knowing that I would have to face that same finish, one more time -wasn't sure I could do that, but was determined to make it through. I kept the bike in the small ring for almost all of the ride and tried to conserve my leg muscles, pretty much it was a zone 2-3 effort. I would get cramps in one leg then the other, sometimes hamstring, sometimes inside thigh, no calf cramps, sometimes both legs at once. I did learn that it is possible to ride through the cramps (although it hurts). I never stopped for a cramp. And at times they disappeared for several miles.

The final three hills were as tough as anything I had experienced athletically. It was sort of funny to be passed by Fernando and Mo in literally the last mile of the ride. Their 12 mile wrong turn made the difference.
OWS - Work on sighting, swimming straight course.

Social Bike - Zone 1
60-90 minutes
Post Activity Comments:
Easy ride;

Social Hilly Course
Aerobic Z1-2. 10-15:00 easy running, include several short :15-:20 second high cadence efforts to wake the legs up. Settle into Zone 2 effort. Check HR and listen to your breathing to help control effort. Check cadence and form several times throughout the run. Enjoy.
Post Activity Comments:
Ran up to Friendship road with Fernando; tempo pace (for me).

Spring Training Camp

Warm up: 10-15 min easy running,
3-4 faster efforts of :20-:30 w/equal recovery time
Main Set:
4 x 6:00 HARDER efforts 80-90 %
(2 min jog recovery)
Listen to your body. Harder is relative to how your feeling on this day. If feeling sore or tired, okay to cut back on intensity and time of the overall run.
Cool Down: 5-10 min easy
Post Activity Comments:
Apparently I failed to stop watch or I guess I hit the lap button instead of the stop. I ran 3.85 miles in 33 minutes for an avg pace of 8:36; tried to run uptempo for most of the course. Legs felt good.

Warm Up: 10 min easy rding
5 build to threshold every 1 min
5 min at Z1
Main Set:
6 x 2:00 at Z6 w/3:00 easy riding after each
5 x 1 min All Out! with 2 min RI
4 x 30 sec (All out) with 90 min RI
CD: 5-15 min at Z1

Monday April 16 to Sunday April 22


Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 1:15:00
Distance (A): 21 miles
Calories: 1062 caloriesWorkout Description:
Planned Time: 0:45:00Actual Time: 0:42:29
Distance (A): 4.37 miles
Calories: 650 caloriesWorkout Description:
Aerobic Z1-2. 10-15:00 easy running, include several short :15-:20 second high cadence efforts to wake the legs up. Settle into Zone 2 effort. Check HR and listen to your breathing to help control effort. Check cadence and form several times throughout the run. Enjoy.
Post Activity Comments:
Usual course. Legs feel good. No after effect from long bike ride.
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:10:00
Distance (A): 2300 yards
Calories: 817 caloriesWorkout Description:
Planned Time: 1:00:00Actual Time: 1:00:00
Calories: 425 calories
Workout Description:
Body Shaping
Post Activity Comments:
Good strength workout;
Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 1:15:00
Distance (A): 22 miles
Calories: 1062 caloriesWorkout Description:
CT Cadence
Post Activity Comments:
Warmup 10 minutes; 5 x 1 minute hard, 1 min easy; main set: 3 x 5 mins zone2, 4 mins zone 3, 3 minutes zone 4, 2 minutes 150%, 1 min zone 1; cool down;
Planned Time: 1:15:00Actual Time: 1:10:14
Distance (A): 7.47 miles
Calories: 1106 caloriesWorkout Description:
Fartlek. Run how you feel.
Warm up: 10-15 min easy running,
3-4 faster efforts of :20-:30 w/equal recovery time
Main Set:
4 x 5:00 HARDER or Build efforts 80-90 %
(1-3 min jog recovery)
Listen to your body. Harder is relative to how your feeling on this day. If feeling sore or tired, okay to cut back on intensity and time of the overall run.
Cool Down: 5-10 min easy
Post Activity Comments:
Felt pretty good throughout run; this was a sustainable pace - i pushed it mildly a few times but mostly worked on trying to keep my stride shorter and my cadence faster;
Actual Time: 0:15:00
Calories: 125 caloriesWorkout Description:
Post Activity Comments:
regular two week session with Tony;
Actual Time: 1:00:00
Calories: 500 caloriesWorkout Description:
Post Activity Comments:
one hour of torture from Rachel; lots of knots in back/shoulders, quads, hamstrings, calves;
Planned Time: 1:00:00Workout Description:
WU: 200 swim/kick/pull. Drills: 8 x 50 triple switch;
Main Set:
1 x 900 @ RI 20 smooth
2 x 300 @ RI 20 Build within each 300
3 x 100 @ RI 30 FAST efforts
CD: long pull w/buoy
Planned Time: 0:30:00Actual Time: 0:30:00
Calories: 212 caloriesWorkout Description:
No Legs
Core and Stretching
Post Activity Comments:
No legs means lots of arms and abs; 3 x 30 secs jumprope, 30 second plank; 3 x 30 seconds push up on discs, pull knees to chest; weight room: 3 x rowing (15, 30, 15) then arm extensions (12, 10, 10) with 5 lb weights; triceps pulldown- 25x;
Actual Time: 0:45:00
Calories: 638 caloriesWorkout Description:
Spin class
Post Activity Comments:
Used this as a warmup for my Long run. Easy spin to get legs warmed up.
Planned Time: 1:45:00Actual Time: 0:34:37
Distance (A): 3.25 miles
Calories: 494 caloriesWorkout Description:
Warm up: at 10 min at Z1
Main Set:
90 min Long Run Pace
Include 4-6 x :60-90 second surges (up to 85-90%) randomly throughout the long run pace effort.
Cool Down:
5 min at Z1
Post Activity Comments:
I had this great plan to break up the monotony of running around my neighborhood. Got up early went to spinning to warm up, brough along my gatorade, headset, food, etc. Planned to run from Y over to bike path along lake. Leave bag on one of the picnice tables and then run south to Howard and then come back, stop for drink/food and then run north to NW and then back again. etc.

Unfortunately I got about half way to Howard St. and decided I needed a bio break (as Pam calls them) so I turned around and ran back to the Y, but by then it was raining, windy and cold and I decided to bag the run.
Planned Time: 2:30:00Actual Time: 2:11:45
Distance (A): 27.29 miles
Calories: 2936 caloriesWorkout Description:
Brick Session
Do this someplace where you can quickly transition back and forth between the bike and run.
5 x (5 mile bike pace/1 mile run endurance)
Keep your HR in cycling Zone 3 for the bike segment and running Zone 2 for the run segment. Be sure to consume fluids and carbohydrates during the workout. You will end up biking a total of 25 miles and running 5 miles. The duration shown for this session is an estimate of how long it will take to do both the bike and run portions. It may take you slightly more or less time.
Post Activity Comments:
Good workout. I averaged about 16.8 mph on bike, worked on using aerobars more; felt good on the runs; ran with Kolar for the first segment and avgd a 7:56 pace; ran with Amy on second run at a 9:16 pace and ran by myself on last leg at 8:42 pace. I guess I should try and run with Kolar more.
Sunday:  Day Off
Post Activity Comments:
200 warmup; 4 x 75 (right arm, left arm, both) total yards 300; main set: 300 pull, 2 x150; 300 pull; 3 x100; 300 pull; 6 x 50

total yards: 2300

CT Intensity
Post Activity Comments:
10 minutes warmup; 4 x cadence increase 85 to 105; main set: 4 x 3min zone 1, 3 min zone 2 , 3 min zone 3; 4 x 1 minutes zone 2, 2 minutes zone 3, 30 sec zone 4, 30 secs all out; cool down 5 minutes; avg watts 170;

Felt pretty good; no real residual soreness from long bike ride on Saturday;