Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sunday to Saturday

Sunday:  Played basketball for 90 minutes Sunday night; jammed little finger; played poorly;

Monday:  CT Intensity ride:  warmup 10 minutes; 10 x 30 sec hard, 30 sec easy; 6 x 2 min z1, 5 min z3, one minute all out; cool down; avg watts 192?; total minutes:  84

Run:  4.2 miles in 40 minutes; easy run;

Tuesday:  Master Swim:  200 yards warmup; 4 x alternate paddles: l,r, both = 600 yards; 4 x single switch, triple switch = 200; mains set= 4 x100 @ 1:55, 50, 4 x 100 @ 2:00, 50, 5 x 100 @ 2:05; total yards = 1400
total yards= 2400;  total minutes:  70

Bodyshaping:  60 minutes;

Wednesday:  CT Ride Zone 2:  warmup 10 min, 10 x 30 sec hard, 30 sec easy;
main set: 4 x 2 min z1, 5 min z2, 3 min z3, 2 min z2;
cooldown: 4 x slt right 30 sec, left 30 sec;

total minutes:  85

Run:  Hill Repeats:  Hill Repeats
9 Hills that last 2-3 minutes in length on your easy efforts, or 30-35:00 of hills shorter than 2:00 in length. Follow the pattern: E/M/H.
E = Low Threshold effort
M = Upper Threshold Effort
H = All Out!!
The hill repeats can be done on outdoors on a hill that takes longer than 2:00 to ascend on an easy effort. Or on a treadmill with an incline at 7% grade for 2:00, recover at 0-1% grade for 2:00.

Did this on the treadmill; after warmup, did easy hill at 6 mph; medium hill at 6.5 mph and hard hill at 7.0 mph; top heart rate at end was 150;

Thursday:  sore throat; took day off;

Friday:  Swimming Time Trial:    Time Trial: Swim 3 x 300 with :30 sec rest b/n each one. The goal of the set is to swim at the highest AVERAGE speed possible. An accurate test is when all three 300s are within 15 seconds of each other.

Warmed up with easy spin class with Heather; then did a few warmup laps and then did test:
1st 300: 5:44
2nd 300: 5:49
3rd 300: 5:41
I used my watch but also monitored with wall clock and since I wanted to start at either the top or bottom, the interval between the 300 hundreds was actually about 45 seconds.

total minutes:  60

Saturday:  CT Ride Intensity Ride   

WU: 15:00 Z1-2,
1 x 5:00 effort build into Z4 by the end of the interval, 5:00 Z1 easy spin,
1 x 5:00 effort in Z4, with RI 10:00 Z1 spin;
Time Trial: Hold your best effort for 20:00.
Record your AHR, MHR, AVG Power and Max Power. Ride 5-10:00 easy Zone 1
Main Set:
1-HR at 80% of your 20-minute TT effort
30:00 Zone 2
CD: 5-10:00 easy spin
This is a race-simulated workout. Please prep as you would for a race-type event. Prepare well, record numbers throughout and log.

This was a great workout for me. Here are my stats from the HR monitor:
Overall AHR: 126; max HR 162
 Time trial 20 minutes: AHR: 146; Max 162 average power 162; max power 390?
One hour Zone 3 challenge: AHR: 134; Max 157; I tried to keep watts close to 212, but I would guess that I averaged 203-208; I did finish strong (plus 290 for last 2 minutes);
Final leg: this was fun; I was going to wrap it up at 2:45 instead of 3:00 but then I noticed Greg had crept to within 900 yards of me (he had got off the bike to get us all water otherwise he would have been way ahead.) and that gave me something to try and keep my #1 position; he slowed down after awhile but then I noticed that I only had 5 miles to go to the end of the course so I kept up a good pace and finished the course for the first time. Avg'd 18.9 mph on that course.
As reward for a good workout I decided to bag the 20 minute run because my clothes were all sweaty;

Saturday, February 18, 2012


CT Trainer:  Had a great workout. 2 1/2 hours on the trainer, running the Australia Ironman course. I led the pack and covered 43 miles at an average speed of 17.0 mph with average wattage of 182. 

Didn't feel saddle sore or leg weary at all. Hungry toward the end - I will need to start working on fueling during these longer rides. 

Hawaii Break February 2 to February 17

Flew to Kauai for a vacation.  Spent nine days in Kauai and five days on the big island.  We stayed when on the big island near Highway 19, which is where the bike segment of the Ironman is set. The road is great, but the landscape is barren, like a moonscape.  It looks like it would be very hot with all that reflected sun. Maybe I will race there someday. 

Kauai -

I ran most every day while in Kauai. Followed Craig's workouts on hills and got in some good runs. I did a little bit of ocean swimming, but not too much as the waves were more choppy than in previous years.

When I got to the big Island, I ran each morning and on the last morning I ran 11.68 miles at an average pace of 9:18.  My foot did not give me much trouble and I felt pretty good on the run, even though it was hard to remain hydrated. 

Overall - the break from intense training was good. I feel strong and confident about my chances of having a good race in Galveston on April 1.  I have already reached a level of conditioning where I think I could do a the half-Ironman distances right now. 

Monday, January 30 to Wednesday, February 1


CT Training: 15 - 20 at z2
3 x 30 sec fast spin / 30 sec easy
Main set:
4/8/12/8/4 min all steady at Z3 low to mid with 2 min RI
2 x 30 sec fast spin with 1:30 easy
Cool down: 15 - 20 min easy

Completed set; avg watts: 170; avg mph: 17; legs felt a little less peppy after playing basketball until 9 pM yesterday. Makes a difference.

Swimming:  20 minutes after bike workout;


Master Swim:  75 minutes;

Bodyshaping class:  60 minutes;


Tempo Run:  40 minutes  4.5 miles;